

Notice to the Public: Don’t Let Your Guard Down – Beware of Financial Scams!

Always exercise extreme caution if you are offered a financial scheme and take precautionary steps to avoid falling for scams.

Here are 6 ways to protect yourself and your financial interest:

  1. Deal only with individuals/entities who/that are registered or licensed by the Securities Commission Malaysia and/or the Federation of Investment Managers Malaysia.
  2. Ask questions and request for important information to verify the identities of the individuals/entities you are dealing with and to understand their products or services before investing. Example: Ask for their Authorization Card from the relevant authorities.
  3. Don’t be pressured or rushed into making an investment decision. If unsure, check with the relevant authorities before investing/depositing any monies with any person or company.
  4. Be skeptical of any investment opportunity that is not in writing or ‘too good to be true’.
  5. With the increase of online scams, beware of investment advertisements over the internet.
  6. Keep your personal information secure (MyKad number, address, bank details, existing investment details, etc).

For more details, please visit:

  • Securities Commission Malaysia
  • Securities Industry Dispute Resolution Center (SIDREC)
  • Bank Negara Malaysia
  • Federation of Investment Managers Malaysia

Please contact your Adviser or Investor Services at 1-800-88-3737 or email [email protected] for any other assistance.